Anxiety score and anxiety severity higher for those with Meniere disease versus those with benign positional paroxysmal vertigo

However, behavioral problems in children, including children with autism, predict maternal depression

Meta-analysis shows increased risk for postpartum depression among mothers with a family history of any psychiatric disorder

Highest intake levels tied to mild depression and more mentally unhealthy or anxious days per month

Depression screening increased from 40.5 percent in 2017 to 88.8 percent in 2019; increases in screening seen in all at-risk groups

Rates of depressive and anxiety symptoms increased during pregnancy and postpartum for women with epilepsy

Hypothesis that depression is caused by low serotonin not supported; some evidence shows decrease in serotonin with antidepressant use

Quality of sleep significantly improved compared with standard care alone or sham acupuncture

Individuals with stroke have increase in depressive symptoms compared with matched controls at the assessment before stroke

Prevalence in which both parents experience mood disorders higher three to 12 months postpartum