<p>Nearly one in four people with type 2 diabetes in Scotland were prescribed antidepressants before a diabetes diagnosis</p>

<p>Relapse occurred in fewer patients who maintained their antidepressant treatment versus those with discontinuation</p>

<p>Exposure to maternal depression both during pregnancy and postpartum strongly associated with depressive symptoms in offspring</p>

<p>Three surrogate measures of insulin resistance linked to increased risk for incident major depression </p>

<p>Sleep disturbance in older adults also more common among those living with a partner and urinating at night</p>

<p>Collaborative blended care model provides extra emotional and educational support to improve mental health-related quality of life</p>

<p>People with multiple sclerosis, with or without depression, have increased risks for incident vascular disease, all-cause mortality</p>

<p>Mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis not linked to symptoms of depression, but linked to internalizing behaviors from age 4 years</p>

<p><del></del>Findings based on a systematic literature review of studies reporting the use of ketamine, esketamine for treatment-resistant depression</p>

<p>Individuals with psoriasis/PsA have decreased ability to participate in social roles and activities, more depression symptoms</p>