Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms associated with suicidal ideation, with PTSD a full mediator between discrimination and suicide

Participants reported less comfort being friends with, hiring, having physical contact, dating someone with severe acne

Factors that most attenuated racial disparity in total ideal cardiovascular health scores were neighborhood safety for men, discrimination for women

Risk for suicide nearly five times higher for youth reporting two or more forms of discrimination

3.98 percent increase in C-reactive protein reported for each domain of incident racial discrimination experienced

Court declined to review a federal appeals court ruling that found people with gender dysphoria were entitled to protections under the Americans With Disabilities Act

Black, Hispanic students also have lower publication rates, particularly at non-top 40 schools

Physicians with disabilities reported physical and sexual mistreatment from both coworkers and patients

Programs targeting elementary and middle school-aged children more likely to be canceled

Survey of sexual and gender-minority people identifies discrimination in the health care system as barrier to advance care planning