Meanwhile, FDA is still deciding whether it will allow Juul to sell its products in this country

Findings observed at the individual level, but less so at the population level, the authors say

To remain on the market, e-cigarette manufacturers must prove there is a public health benefit with their use

Agency has already banned the sale of fruit-flavored e-cigarettes after critics claimed the products targeted teens

Also, this study of adolescent vaping in 47 countries shows prevalence of past-month frequent vaping relatively low at 1.7 percent

Safety of e-cigarettes in pregnancy is similar to that of nicotine patches while possibly more effective

Study reveals other smoking cessation aids are tied to more successful quits

Findings seen for both discontinuation overall and discontinuing daily smoking

Among U.S. adults, prevalence of fragility fractures increased for former and current e-cigarette users compared with never users

Triple users have elevated risk profiles on levels of psychosocial variables compared with other groups