<p>Patients with symptoms of anxiety significantly more likely to use psychotropic medications after hospital discharge</p>

<p>Most cardiovascular conditions more strongly linked to cognition among women</p>

<p>Elevated resting heart rate also associated with accelerated cognitive decline</p>

<p>Genetic correlations between schizophrenia and CVD close to zero, but schizophrenia liability may increase heart failure risk</p>

<p>Lowest cardiovascular disease incidence seen in association with sleep-onset time of 10.00 p.m. to 10.59 p.m.</p>

<p>Majority of cases (88.3 percent) seen in women, especially those aged 50 years or older; incidence higher in middle-aged men than younger men</p>

<p>Nonmarried individuals with ischemic heart disease have higher prevalence of state hopelessness than married individuals</p>