How to regulate CBD supplements has become a pressing public health concern as the popularity of CBD supplements has exploded in the United States

Universal screening for cannabinoids recommended before surgery; elective surgery should be postponed in some cases

Reduced levels of teen cannabis use and nicotine vaping seen during pandemic continued, while alcohol use returned to prepandemic level

However, no significant differences seen in opioid use postoperatively between cannabis users and nonusers

PCE significantly linked to persisting vulnerability to psychopathology, with no change in associations by age

Percent of patients with conditions that had substantial or conclusive evidence of therapeutic value decreased from 2016 to 2020

<p>Proportion of teens in grades 8, 10, and 12 reporting alcohol, marijuana use decreased significantly</p>

<p>Reasons reported for cannabis use similar for prepregnancy and lactation periods with emphasis on symptom management during pregnancy</p>

<p>Likelihood of being at extremes of nightly sleep duration further increased with heavy cannabis use</p>

<p>Young and racial minority populations, those with low socioeconomic status more likely to have higher frequency use</p>