Results also showed age-adjusted rate of drug overdose deaths decreased from 2022 to 2023, after increasing over 20 years

2023 to 2024 saw approximately sevenfold increase in overdose deaths involving carfentanil

Increases of 2.5-fold seen for women, 2.4-fold for Asians and Pacific Islanders, 2.5-fold in the Midwest

Findings persist regardless of intensity of physical activity

Additional benefit seen for mental health and well-being

Highest rates of SCD seen for patients with schizophrenic disease; 10-year excess loss of life expected for 18-year-olds with psychiatric disorder

Progress reversed due to increase in mortality from external causes, stagnation for cardiovascular diseases

Increased risk seen for mortality and for hospitalization, acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, bone fracture, bowel obstruction

Authors call for more efforts to screen for and treat co-occurring disorders

Racial disparities among intimate partner homicide victims widened during 2020 to 2021 versus 2018 to 2019