Opioid crisis hitting those without college education the hardest

Extended-release buprenorphine not cost-effective when transmucosal buprenorphine is available for treatment of OUD

Receipt of physical therapy and chiropractic care was low overall and lower across racial, ethnic minorities

Regardless of prognosis, panel deemed it appropriate to continue opioids, increase monitoring, and avoid opioid tapering

Court is asking the parties to show whether bankruptcy law allows for a blanket shield from all litigation by opioid victims

Medications for OUD more likely for those with severe versus mild past-year OUD, receiving substance use treatment via telehealth

Age-adjusted rate of overdose deaths involving cocaine and opioids increased more quickly than cocaine alone from 2011 to 2021

Integrated behavioral health services may help address patient needs with opioid use disorder, the authors say

Years of life lost due to opioid toxicity plateaued between 2017 and 2019, then increased through 2021

Most patients with emergency department visit for nonfatal opioid overdose were men; most frequent drugs reported were fentanyl and heroin