Highest rates in 2023 seen in West Virginia, District of Columbia; changes in rates varied by jurisdiction across drug types

Early adult excess mortality higher than expected in 2019

Results also showed age-adjusted rate of drug overdose deaths decreased from 2022 to 2023, after increasing over 20 years

2023 to 2024 saw approximately sevenfold increase in overdose deaths involving carfentanil

Ketamine was detected in 0.4 percent of overdose deaths and listed as involved in 0.2 percent during study period

Prescription of GIP/GLP-1 RA linked to lower rates of opioid overdose and alcohol intoxication

Compared with other antidiabetes medications, semaglutide linked to lower risk for patients with comorbid opioid use disorder

BMA discharge also associated with increases in subsequent emergency department visits and unplanned hospital readmissions