Many patients filling buprenorphine prescriptions written by emergency physicians do not subsequently fill prescriptions for the treatment

Proportion of overdose deaths involving these drugs increased more than threefold between 2000 and 2018

From 2007 to 2019, opioid-stimulant deaths among Black people increased at more than three times the rate of White people

Safe injection sites give users a monitored space for injected drug use

Overall, intentional overdose deaths declined in recent years among men and women; rates higher among non-Hispanic Black women

In response to the incident, Hartford officials pledged to ensure that all city schools are stocked with naloxone

Sharp increase in deaths in Midwestern, Southern, Western jurisdictions; stimulant also involved in about four of 10 IMF-involved deaths

Cities and states nationwide have pushed for overdose prevention sites in recent years

Figure is almost 30 percent higher than the previous year, when 78,000 overdose deaths were reported