Risk highest during the first year after diagnosis and for deaths due to suicide

Women in second and third versus first tertile of psychological stress have higher probabilities of having abnormal glucose during pregnancy

Increased risk seen in association with benzodiazepines ranging from odds ratios of 1.39 to 2.52 for alprazolam and fludiazepam

More than four in 10 had elevated scores on depression, anxiety, and/or stress

Perinatal factors associated with Child Behavior Checklist emotional, cognitive, and behavioral dysregulation

Exposure tied to delay in gross motor, fine motor, and personal-social development

Mortality ratio increased about threefold for pregnant and postpartum women aged 35 to 44 years

Higher score of depressive symptoms in mothers linked to slower growth in critical rapid growth stage before delivery

Both ozone and particulate matter exposures during pregnancy and in postpartum period tied to increased risk

Findings revealed lower infant attention scores at six months, which predicted socioemotional function, neurodevelopmental risk