Risk higher despite lower infection risk and regardless of sociodemographic and medical factors
More authoritarian, more socially restrictive, less benevolent attitudes seen when patients are referred to as 'schizophrenic'
Polygenic risk scores did not improve performance of predictive models relative to clinical features obtained from standard psychiatric interview
Benefits include cognitive and functional outcomes even for severely affected patients
CoRSIV-based model, with a positive predictive value of 80 percent, surpassed the performance of a model based on polygenic risk score
Polygenic risk scores for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia linked to structure and function of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex
Thirty-one percent of participants with schizophrenia spectrum disorders installed app; app remained installed in 70 percent
Parkinsonism linked to significantly decreased physical activity, increased sedentary behavior in patients with schizophrenia
Increased in-hospital mortality for COVID-19 patients with schizophrenia versus those without severe mental illness
Incidence of dementia increased at age 66 and 80 years for those with schizophrenia versus those without serious mental illness