However, only about one in five has had such screening in the past year

Participants were generally comfortable discussing all 21 screening topics of survey, with greatest comfort seen for sleeping problems

Evidence insufficient to weigh benefits and harms of screening for suicide risk in all adults and for anxiety in older adults

Participation in bowel, breast, and cervical cancer screening was lower for those with severe mental illness

Nearly twofold higher risk for clinical progression seen for SOMI-1 and SOMI-2; nearly threefold higher risk seen for SOMI-3/4

Simultaneously, women with mental illness have lower rates of participation in cancer screening

For example, Black women less likely to have depression screening, more likely to have urine drug test than White women

Among those with autism spectrum disorder, Black children have lower rate of screening than White, other/multiracial children

Intervention included combination of school-based screening for psychopathology and subsequent referral

Younger children with autism popped bubbles at a lower rate, and their touch was less accurate than neurotypical children