taVNS significantly reduces insomnia severity and is associated with sustained benefits over 20 weeks

Intervention includes six-week in-home, voice-activated cognitive behavioral therapy program

Older adults with long-term benzodiazepine receptor agonist use and insomnia diagnosis had significant improvements in sleep outcomes

Findings independent of sociodemographics, lifestyle, diet quality, and mental health status

Physical activity tied to fewer insomnia symptoms and extreme sleep durations, both long and short

Risk for insomnia even higher for those with depression or anxiety

No difference seen in effectiveness of six weeks of CBT-I or trazodone compared with placebo for patients undergoing hemodialysis

Children with polygenic risk score for insomnia have more insomnia-related sleep problems between ages 1.5 and 15 years

Adolescents at risk can be categorized into three groups, which have differential benefits from prevention program

Findings capture psychotic‑like experiences of deja vu, auditory hallucination-like experiences, and paranoia