8.4 percent of adults took sleep meds every day or most days in last 30 days; women were more likely to take sleep meds than men

Almost one-quarter of adults sleep less than seven hours on workdays

Middle-aged and older adults with insomnia more likely to report memory decline over subsequent three years

<p>Nurse-led group cognitive behavioral therapy had no effect on objective sleep measures but did improve patient-reported secondary outcomes</p>

Findings compared with a digital sleep diary app

Quality of sleep significantly improved compared with standard care alone or sham acupuncture

Additionally, nearly two-thirds report using sleep aids to fall asleep or stay asleep

Such interventions may help address known sleep health disparities, the authors say

<p>Nighttime hot flashes, insomnia severity both down at four weeks versus placebo</p>

<p>5.5-fold increased odds of insomnia symptoms worsening into adult insomnia for short-sleeping adolescents</p>