Rate of patients fulfilling criteria for depression was also higher for COVID-19 patients versus controls

For patients with hematologic malignancies, 18, 22, and 22 percent have clinically significant depression, anxiety, PTSD at six months

Within Latinx sample, girls and gender-nonconforming students reported the highest maladjustment

Clinical and cost-effectiveness superior compared with practitioner-supported cognitive behavioral therapy

Physical activity is plausible pathway linking green space to lower risk

COVID-19-related stress associated with maternal mental health and infant negative affectivity

Findings similar for healthy adults, as well as those with mental health or physical conditions

In general population studies, no change observed in general mental health or anxiety symptoms; minimal worsening seen in depression symptoms

About 65 percent of adults who were dissatisfied with their sleep experience had mild or greater levels of depressive symptoms

Odds of intracerebral hemorrhage and ischemic stroke increased in association with prestroke depressive symptoms