Independent associations seen for decreased dorsal attention network-subgenual cingulate connectivity, DAN-DMN connectivity

Review identified multiple types of humor therapy and populations

Risk for anxiety nearly four times higher in those who experienced shocks with implanted devices

Childhood housing insecurity also associated with higher depression symptom scores in adulthood

Evidence insufficient to weigh benefits and harms of screening for suicide risk in all adults and for anxiety in older adults

However, no association seen for teen alcohol consumption and depression

Prevalence varied from 12.7 to 27.5 percent among states, with highest prevalence in Appalachian and southern Mississippi Valley regions

Ketamine noninferior in terms of response to treatment; ECT linked to decrease in memory recall after treatment

Higher risk for psychotic versus nonpsychotic subtypes of bipolar disorder seen in association with CUD

Among teens reporting firearm possession, those with depression and/or lifetime history of suicidality more likely to have bought/traded for it