A shift in the age distribution of opioid-related mortality has occurred with the highest rates now observed in younger individuals

<p>Many patients filling buprenorphine prescriptions written by emergency physicians do not subsequently fill prescriptions for the treatment</p>

<p>Proportion of overdose deaths involving these drugs increased more than threefold between 2000 and 2018</p>

<p>From 2007 to 2019, opioid-stimulant deaths among Black people increased at more than three times the rate of White people</p>

<p>Safe injection sites give users a monitored space for injected drug use</p>

<p>Overall, intentional overdose deaths declined in recent years among men and women; rates higher among non-Hispanic Black women </p>

<p>In response to the incident, Hartford officials pledged to ensure that all city schools are stocked with naloxone</p>

<p>However, wide variation seen in provider uptake</p>

<p>Sharp increase in deaths in Midwestern, Southern, Western jurisdictions; stimulant also involved in about four of 10 IMF-involved deaths</p>

<p>Cities and states nationwide have pushed for overdose prevention sites in recent years</p>